Communications guidelines

These guidelines were created to support you in communicating your grant, its importance, and its potential impact on your organization and the community. We’re excited to support your work and promote your achievements.

Group of people posing with fresh vegetables

Photo courtesy of Just Roots

We encourage you to share news of grant awards, and also grant-supported activities, program impact and outcomes. Sharing this information can increase visibility for important issues, maintain or positively impact momentum, and encourage widespread use of best practices and lessons learned.

What language should be used when mentioning Foundation support?

  • The Foundation recommends using/adapting the following language:
    • Support for this (program, conference, publication, website, article, etc.) was provided by a grant from Point32Health Foundation.
  • For materials where full support is not provided by the Foundation:
    • Support for this (program, conference, publication, website, article, etc.) provided in part by a grant from Point32Health Foundation.
  • When possible, include the Point32Health Foundation logo.

Can grantees use the Point32Health Foundation logo?

  • We encourage you to use our logo on your website, program flyers and other materials.
  • Request the logo by emailing Alrie McNiff Daniels, our director of communications and stakeholder engagement.
  • When using our logo online, please link back to our website
  • Reminder: We require that you submit a request for our review and prior approval of any promotional or marketing materials that mention Point32Health Foundation or include the logo.

Can grantees link to the Foundation website?

  • Point32Health Foundation encourages you to link to the Foundation’s website.
  • Use of the Foundation’s logo as part of that link is encouraged.

Leveraging social media

  • We’d like to connect with you on social media; tell us how to find you on Facebook.
  • Follow us on Facebook ( to keep up with Foundation news and learn more about our other community investments and engagements.  
  • Announce your new grant and describe the positive impact it will have in community. Tag Point32Health Foundation in posts.
  • Let us know if your program is in the news. We often use social media to promote your work and encourage you to do the same.
  • Reminder: Tag or mention us when sharing your achievements on social media.

Working with the media

  • Share news of grants, program milestones and impact stories with the media. Let us know if you experience a milestone event in your Foundation-supported project(s) that merits recognition or promotion.
  • If and/or when the opportunity arises, we may refer reporters to you for comment. If reporters have specific questions about Point32Health Foundation, please direct those inquiries to Alrie McNiff Daniels, the Foundation’s director of communications and stakeholder engagement.
  • Mention the Foundation when discussing Foundation-supported work with reporters or in releases related to Foundation-supported work. Please let us know if you are sending out a news release or media advisory that mentions Point32Health Foundation.
  • If your Foundation-supported work has been featured or mentioned in media (local or national, social or traditional), let us know. We’d love to promote the news on our social media channels.

What are the guidelines for announcing my Point32Health Foundation grant?

  • We request that grantees let Point32Health Foundation take the lead and distribute its official grant announcements first, usually within two weeks of notification. Grantees may then issue press releases and promote on social media channels. We are open to working on joint releases.
  • Please add Point32Health Foundation to the list of current funders on your website and in printed/other materials as appropriate. Please wait to do so until after Point32Health Foundation has distributed an official grant announcement.

How will Point32Health Foundation announce new community grants?

  • Within two weeks of board approval, Point32Health Foundation will email each grantee an official notice of approved funding.
  • Point32Health Foundation will publicly announce all new grants via a news release that is:
    • emailed to relevant media
    • emailed to Point32Health Foundation’s opt-in, e-news subscribers
    • distributed via email to all newly approved grantees
    • posted online at
  • For each grantee, the Foundation’s website will detail:
    • organization name
    • city
    • funding approved
    • duration of grant
    • one-line description of supported grant
    • organization web address (if provided)

For more information or if you have additional questions, contact Alrie McNiff Daniels.